Sunday, September 9, 2007

Web 2.0

I think the title describes how the internet or the "web" has advanced since it has first started meaning that in the beginning all you could do on the web was basically chat and I believe send short email messages but now you can do so much more like send pictures, songs, videos, and you can chat with anyone around the world. With the web now being web 2.0 I believe that it could negatively and postively affect people in the workforce. The negative aspect would be, that your employer will have a chance to access anything you may post online such as blogs and if they were to find anything that they would not approve of it might lead to you never getting hired or getting fired. The positive would be that it could help you with job application as well as doing research for the company the person may be thinking about applying to. I think what they mean by you would have to rethink everything is that even though the internet has become a valuble asset to society it seems that we have to be careful with how we handle it and that some rules or regulation may need to be applied in the protection of your own privacy.

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